Kootenay Mountain Culture Blog

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Sometimes you have to go to the strangest of places to see what you're all about.

I was just at the Vegoose music festival in Las Vegas. Halloween. 40,000 crazy people dressed up as bananas and Scooby Doo. Lots of really cool bands, beautiful desert sky, warm temperatures, just a few miles from the stench and oppulence of the world's most inscouciantly decadent and dirty cities. Then Rage Against the Machine comes on. The pulse of humanity rushes me and my friend deep into the fray, where fires erupt- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlk2PpeexCM -and guitar screams through the dry sky. But amongst all the slam dancing and sweat, the raised fists and night raised middle fingers, there's this overwhelming sense of unity. How the North American youth aren't down with the extravegance that envelops us. No matter how we fight it doesn't seem to matter. Whether we're hidden away in tiny mountain towns, or we stand up for ourselves and our beliefs on downtown city streets. There's a rage on. And it's serious. And man does it rock.

Read more about Rage Against the Machine on line. Harvard students, the sons of revolutionary painters, sci-fi freaks. Cool people getting their message out in a way that sticks to your brain like spray paint to concrete.



Kootenay Mountain Culture Blog

Cold Shot Foto Faceoff

Winter Photographers, Unite!
Scheduled to be part of the second annual Kootenay Cold Smoke Powder Fest in Nelson, BC, February 22 to 24, 2008, ARC’TERYX, Kootenay Mountain Culture Magazine and Mountain Gear present the Cold Shot Foto Faceoff, a first of its kind winter sports photography contest for the Kootenays.
Five of the region’s best photographers will team up with athletes of their choosing and spend four days shooting in the Selkirk Mountains around Whitewater Ski Resort. Their goal is to capture the winter culture and mountain landscapes of the Kootenays, not to mention the essence of riding here. Cash, incredible prizes and the rights to Cold Smoke Foto Phenom fame is up for grabs. Both pros and amateurs are encouraged to compete for the wildcard spot—while four photographers will be invited to participate, the fifth will be selected from judged submissions.
The Cold Shot Foto Faceoff event is part of the Cold Smoke Buff-eh and rager on Saturday February 23, 2008. See www.coldsmokepowderfest.com/fotofaceoff for more details.