KMC Summer 08

So it just went to the printer. Our 13th issue. The Design Issue. Quite an epic this one. Different, with lots of unique sourced images that took a long time to find. But we're really happy with it. It'll be in a store near you at the end of May. Hope you enjoy it.
With any magazine, the cover's always a real challenge. Ours especially. Because it's free, we have the flexibility and freedom that comes with NOT having to compete on the newstand. Top 10 lists, huge copy all over the cover, a babe with big boobs hanging all in your face.
Our cover is still challenging to produce though, even though the cover text remains fairly cryptic, because we use multiple images, we're always trying to give the reader an idea of what lay inside. Tell a story on one page with few words isn't easy though. We basically start the cover first and it's the last to be finished. The most pained page in the book. But, as we all know, it's definitely the most important, even if it is a free magazine. Our philosophy is not about selling the magazine, but attracting people to pick it up and get involved. We want to intrigue and attract with the cover. Make people pick it up and get involved. Ultimately, in our eyes, that's the success of a magazine. Not how many people buy it, put how many people love it.
So, every once in a while our designer, Chris Rowat, blows off a little steam and makes a Joke cover, just to freak Peter and I out at the cover meeting. This one was particularly hilarious.
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